ARTIST: Tom Lehrer TITLE: Bright College Days Lyrics and Chords [ C#dim7 =; Capo 3 ] Bright college days, oh, carefree days that fly To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls / D G E7 D / G Em Bm A7 / D F#7 Bm F# / D B7 E7 - A7 - G D / Turn on the spigot Pour the beer and swig it And gaudeamus igit Tur / D B7 / Em A7 / D A7 / D - / Here's to parties we tossed To the games that we lost We shall claim that we won them some day / D7 - / G - / D7 - G - / To the girls young and sweet To the spacious back seat Of our roommate's beat up Chevrolet / E7 - / A - / E7 - A - / To the beer and benzedrine To the way that the Dean Tried so hard to be pals with us all / F# - / B - / F# - B - / To excuses we fibbed To the papers we cribbed From the genius who lived down the hall / G# - / C# - / G# - C# C#dim7 / To the tables down at Mory's, wherever that may be We shall drink a toast to all we love the best We will sleep through all the lectures and cheat on the exams And we'll pass, and be forgotten with the rest / A A7 D Bm / E - A - / : Oh, soon we'll be out amid the cold world's strife Soon we'll be sliding down the razor blade of life (Ready?) But as we go our sordid sep'rate ways We shall ne'er forget thee, thou golden college days Hearts full of youth Hearts full of truth Six parts gin to one part vermouth / D7 G / C7 F / Bb7 Eb A7 D /
How to read these chord charts