How to Read These Chord Charts
These pages all use a standard folk charting system popularized by the
renowned fake book Rise Up Singing.
The system is designed to be compact, and uses a number of conventions
to minimize the space that the chord charts take up in the song.
This site is, after all, primarily for singers. Us guitarists are
just an after-thought.
The most important thing about the system is that it's not intended to
teach you a song that you don't already know. It's assumed that
you have at least a passing familiarity with each song, or someone to
teach you. The
charts only give you the basic chord progression. They don't tell
you what syllable to come in on, precisely how long to strum, or any
incidental embellishments that might really make the song. It's
all strictly rhythm guitar stuff. Note also that I've taken the
liberty, wherever I felt like it, of simplifying the chords or
transposing the song into a key I
preferred. Sometimes I noted how much to capo your guitar to get
back to the original recorded key. However, this site is not
intended to get you to perfectly reproduce a recorded version of a
song. It's here to help you make your own version. So I'm
not terribly attached to any particular key.
Finally, particularly unusual chords (those being the ones I had to
look up) are shown as fingering charts in the songs themselves.
Those graphics are made using Robert Allgeyer's wonderful FretQwik
font. My apologies if the charts include chords you don't find
easy or well-known, and which I didn't call out. But there are
many sites which can give you
basic fingerings for all sorts of chords.
OK, first things first.
So I bought a guitar and I practiced real hard
I wasn't much good, but I was willin'
Till to my chagrin, my girlfriend came in
And she said, "Can you sing any Dylan?"
/ F - C - / F - G - / C - F - / C G C - /
The most important parts of these chord charts are the slash ("/"), the
dash ("-"), and the individual chords. The slashes separate
lines. Note above that the four-line verse has four blocks of
chords separated by slashes. Thus, each line in this song has
four chords to it. In every song, each chord symbol (including
dashes) occupies the
same amount of time as each other symbol within that song. The
dash tells you to play the same chord again. A line
that says "/ A - - - /" would tell you to play
A the whole time.
In the above example, the first line, / F - C - /, tells you to
strum F for 2 beats, and then C for 2 beats.
So you
have to have some idea of the rhythm of a song to figure out how long
to strum each chord symbol. As my foot taps, each line above has
four beats to it, so each separate chord symbol occupies one
beat. Each song may have a different number of beats per symbol,
but it will be consistent through that entire song. A particular
song will not necessarily have the same number of chords for every
line, of course. If a line has fewer chords, it's because it
occupies less time than other ones.
A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
/ GD Em / Am7 C Em D / GD Em / Am7 C / Em Am D /
There's one important additional note about chord duration. If
you have two chords without a space in between them, they occupy a half
duration each. In the above example, the first line might have
been written / G D Em - /. To save space, since the majority of
chords occupy two beats, we wrote it as / GD Em /. GD in this
case means a half-space of G and a half-space of D. This should
be distinguished from the standard chord notation G/D, which means "G
major with a D bass note." We use that notation where appropriate
as well. In those rare circumstances where complex chords need to
be squished like that, like a C and a C/B in rapid succession, we'll
put a dash between them like C-C/B (or use an arrow - see below).
This is separate from a stand-alone dash, and should be easily
distinguished from one by the spacing. In those cases where the
song is 3/4, it's possible to have three chords strung together, like
GGD, and sometimes for readability we might separate them with dashes,
like G-G-D.
You set my ever-lovin' heart on fire, Airline Amy
Tell me I'm your favorite frequent flier, Airline Amy
Found a little piece of heaven on a 747
And no one else can take me higher than Airline Amy
/ E D A - / / D - A D / A E A - /
Just as dashes denote that you should play the same chord again, empty
slashes tell you to play the same line again. In the above. the
first two lines are / E D A - / E D A - /. To save space, we omit
the second line and just put another slash, and the player knows to
repeat the same chords again.
Words are flowing out
Like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy
Are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me
/ C Am / Em - / Dm7 - / G7 - / 1st, 2nd / Dm7 Fm6 - /
For cases where the chords for the first few lines repeat later on in
the verse, I'll tell you to repeat the chords for those lines with
notation like "1st" and "2nd". I don't recall any songs getting
out to "4th".
I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
/ G D C Dsus4D / G D C D / : / F#m D E - / /
Another way to show repitition is by the colon, which looks
suspiciously like the coda symbol. In the above example, the coda
tells us to repeat the first two lines as often as we need to, until we
get to the last two lines, which will both be identical.
Well we're living here in Allentown
And they're closing all the factories down
Out in Bethlehem they're killing time
Filling out forms, standing in line
/ Em7 A D - / Am7 D G - / Em7 A Bm F#m / Em D Asus4 A /
Well our fathers fought the Second World War
Spent their weekends on the Jersey Shore
Met our mothers in the USO
Asked them to dance, danced with them slow
And we're living here in Allentown
/ " / " / " / " / Em7 A D - /
The last way to show repetition is for when there are verses that are
substantially similar, but with a few changes. In those cases, I
put a ditto mark for the line that repeats. In the above example,
the first four lines of the second verse are identical to the four
lines of the first verse. Only the last line is different, so
only the last line is shown explicitly.
Most lines won't have chords beneath them. I only notate chords
the first time they are used. If the second verse has the same
chords as the first, they won't be written out. If the the first
two verses have different chords, but the third and fourth follow the
same pattern, then only the first two will get notation. I assume
you know the song well enough to know
which goes where. Some more complicated songs, as an aid to
putting the right tune
in the right place, have certain verses indented. In those cases,
indented verses all have substantially the same chord pattern and/or
tune, with any changes noted. Some songs have several levels of
indentation; each level has the same chords. Yes, I'll do almost
anything to not have to type a chord.
Winter time, northern lights
How'd they find me here
Spinning rhymes and holding tight
As midnight's drawing near
/ G D C
G / C
- D - / :
The down-arrow is a short-hand for a walking bass-line. For the
first line, the chord only occupies one space, and knowing the song,
you'd translate that into C-C/B, making the whole line / G D C-C/B G
/. For the second line, since you have two spaces to walk that
bass line down, you'd get four steps: C-C/B C/A-C/G. The
down-arrow is short-hand, and doesn't tell you exactly how to run the
bass-line. It assumes you're a reasonable enough guitarist to
just sort of know, or to be familiar enough with the song. If
neither is the case, just strum C the whole time. it won't sound
perfect, but, like I say elsewhere, if perfect is your goal, you're on
the wrong site. There is also an up-arrow designation, which
tells you to walk your bass-line up, but I don't think it got used more
than twice in the entire site.
MacGregor, MacKenna, MacGowan, MacGraw
MacVitie, MacNeil, and MacRay
Aye all of the folk in the village were there
On my mother's wedding day
For pa had asked his friend MacPhee
And Mac had come with May MacGee
And May invited ninety-three
To my mother's wedding day
Then up the road came Ed MacKeen
With half the town of Aberdeen
Aye everyone was on the scene
At my mother's wedding day
/ C - - - / / / G7 - C - /
/ F - C7sus4 F / C7sus4 F C7sus4 F / F - C7sus4 F / G7 - C - /
/ " / " / F - Bb F / - Bb F - /
At least once I made a weird exception to the ditto-mark rule.
This will only occur on multi-line chord charts, and hopefully will be
obvious from context. Here, the ditto marks don't refer to a
previous verse, they refer to the previous line of chords in this
verse. I could have written "5th, 6th", but then you'd be
counting lines in the middle of the song. I put the ditto marks
more or less under the very lines to repeat - / F - C7sus4 F / C7sus4 F
C7sus4 F /. Under other circumstances, I'd have just written the
lines out again, I found it a good cue to know that you're repeating
the lines in chord and tune at that point.
Love is a garden of thorns
Love's garden of thorns, how it grows
And a crow in the corn
Black crow in the corn hummin' low
And the brake growing wild
Brake nettle so pretty and wild
And thistles surround the edge of the
Cold when the summer is spent
Dim dark hour as the sun moves away
In the jade heart's lament
Lamenting a lost summer day
For the faith of a child
Who nurtures the faith of a child
When nothing remains to cover her eyes?
Finally, a note about background vocals. There are parts of many
songs where two (or more) voices sing different things at the same
time. Such background vocals are shown by indentation of
particular lines in the middle of a verse. In the above verse,
the indented, italicized lines are sung at the same time as the normal
lines. The verse itself would have only six lines of chords,
because there are only six normal lines. It's possible to have
several voices all singing different things (like Paul McCartney's
Silly Love Songs); each gets its own indentation level.
OK, that's all I can think of to tell you about how to read the
charts. Once you get the main gist, of slashes, dashes, timing
and squished chords, the rest sort of starts to make sense. As
always, feel free to write with questions. Or go buy Rise Up
Singing (available at every music book store I've ever seen, including Sheet
Music Plus and
- their introduction to the system is much clearer and more thorough
than mine.
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