Homemade Fresh Figs in Honey Liqueur (Vargas and Gulling) Recipe

Miscellaneous Untried Recipes

This is from a collection of recipes from books I own, but which I haven't myself tried yet. However, you can have faith that at least the authors themselves have tried them, so they're not deadly or anything.

From Cordials From Your Kitchen by Pattie Vargas and Rich Gulling:

Cut figs in half and layer in clean 1 1/2 quart contyainer. Divide lemon zest and lemon juice among layers, adding a little honey to each layer. Combine the remaining honey, Honey Liqueur and coganc or brandy in a small bowl. Pour over figs. Cover and let stand in a cool, dark place for at least 3 weeks before serving.

Units of measurement (unless stated otherwise)
1 cup = 8 ounces = 236ml
1 quart = 32 ounces = 944ml
1 tbsp (tablespoon) = 1/2 ounce = 15ml
1 fifth = 25.6 ounces = 750ml
1 tsp (teaspoon) = 1/6 ounce = 5ml
1 pint = 16 ounces = 472ml

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